Thursday, November 13, 2008

Kitty Therapy

I've spent the last two weeks doing publicity work (which I dislike), and to make things unimaginably worse, today I'm attending a funeral for a teenager. I can't write under these conditions, so there's only one alternative: cat pictures. Here is Clio being adorably cute in my lap:

Here is Gigi, going crazy with love? anger? hatred? for a poor, innocent kitchen towel:

Callie, doing her best to obstruct any office work. I believe it's the warmth of the lamp that she finds attractive.

To top things off, a sweet sweet dessert, if you will: an adorably cute sleepy kitten. He (actually a rare male calico) has the right idea of how to deal with days like this: stick your head on the floor and nap.

Now I can go on with my day. Hope yours is better.

1 comment:

  1. A MALE calico! No kidding! What are the chances of that, 1:13 million? Do you know if he was sterile? I imagine you had him fixed. wow, that's trippy.

    Say, did you know that most red tabbies are male?
