1. I Can Has Cheezburger: A website filled with funny pictures of cats, accompanied by silly captions. You can browse their hundreds of pics, caption someone else's pic, or upload your own. Here is one I contributed:

2. Cats Who Look Like Hitler: Yes, there is an entire website devoted to cats who have funny mustache markings. Again, it's mainly user-generated, with photos uploaded by cat lovers whose felines look like one of world's most famous and reviled ailurophobes. (Ailurophobe=cat-hater. The irony is delicious.) What always amuses me is how many of these owners name their cat "Adolf" or even "Hitler." I suppose it's a big "up yours" to turn the world's most notorious dictator into a fuzzy pet:

3. Then there's Stupid Videos, which is as advertised: full of dumb stuff. I like to browse the animals section, and see the stupid stuff people do with/to animals, or that animals do to them. (I love the "Adopt-a-Pet" TV segment in which a cat almost castrates the control officer, or the Sleepy Kitten, or the TV ad with a cat on a ceiling fan.) My favorite, though, is a silly, stupid song someone submitted:
I apologize if this silly song is now stuck in your head like it is in mine (and the 6+ million people who have also viewed this video), but sometimes your brain just needs to take a break!